What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a so-called male sex hormone. It occurs in both the male and female body, but in a significantly lower concentration than in men. Testosterone is the most important sex hormone for men. It is produced in the Leydig cells of the testicles and in the adrenal glands.
The total testosterone concentration in the blood serum of an adult man between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. is 2.41 to 8.27 micrograms per liter. Towards the evening, testosterone levels drop by around 20 percent. In women, the total testosterone concentration in the blood serum between the third and fifth day of the cycle is 0.14 to 0.76 micrograms per liter. If the concentration is too high or too low, it can lead to disorders in the organism and even diseases in men and women.
Most of the testosterone is bound to protein in the body – including to the sex hormone-binding globulin. At the same time, a small part of the testosterone circulates freely in the blood. The free testosterone circulating in the blood in men from the age of 40 decreases by around 1.2 percent annually. This is a common reason testosterone needs to be bought.
What does it do in the body?
Testosterone is crucial in the development of a man’s primary (penis and testicles) and secondary (growth of beard and body hair, broken voice and growth of larynx) sex characteristics. It also controls sexuality and fertility – i.e. it is responsible for erection and sperm formation.
The hormone that you can buy as testosterone is also crucial for increasing muscle mass and muscle strength, as well as bone metabolism. It also ensures that the skin is sufficiently saturated with fat and influences gender-specific development in the human brain. The latter can have a positive impact on mood, cognition, vitality and libido.
Buy testosterone online
You can buy testosterone in many different dosage forms. Probably the best and at the same time healthiest way is to take capsules, a so-called testosterone booster . This dosage form, in which you can buy testosterone, should achieve an extremely good and application-specific effect, but at the same time it should not have any side effects.
Basically, a testosterone booster can only keep this promise if it suits the user and the quality of the booster that you buy with testosterone is right. To help you with your selection, we have selected the ICG Pitbull for you. This convinces with its effect and very good tolerability, which we have tested many times in the past. A good price-performance ratio is guaranteed here and our readers can also confirm this.
Can you get testosterone from the doctor?
From the age of 40, the testosterone concentration in the blood of a man decreases. By the age of 50, 20 to 30 percent of men are already suffering from a testosterone deficiency . Obesity, a high level of stress, too little sleep and physical activity, and too little sun can increase the risk of such a deficiency.
A doctor can find out whether there is a lack of testosterone as part of a test. If there is a testosterone deficiency, the attending doctor can certainly prescribe a suitable preparation – this is how you can buy testosterone.
The reason for this is that a lack of testosterone can not only result in reduced libido and reduced sexual activity. Disorders of well-being, a drop in performance, sleep problems, reduced bone density and reduced muscle strength can also be the result, which should be treated with buy testosterone.
What do doctors say about this?
Doctors only consider buying Testoseron useful if they see a medical need for it. For a bodybuilder looking to increase performance with supplemental testosterone, most doctors will not prescribe testosterone.
On the other hand, men who have been shown to have a testosterone deficiency or who go to the doctor with non-specific symptoms such as a reduced libido or reduced bone density that are due to a testosterone deficiency are completely different – they are usually allowed to buy testosterone.
Basically, no doctor will judge a patient for wanting to buy testosterone. However, the doctor must first clarify the need for such a drug, since the side effects that testosterone can cause should not be underestimated.
Why is it so dangerous to buy testosterone?
Buying testosterone without an existing testosterone deficiency can be dangerous for the person taking it. The extra testosterone can have undesirable consequences, such as breast growth and pain, testicles shrinking and testicle pain, and decreased sperm count. Buy testosterone can also lead to increased appetite, weight gain and elevated blood lipid levels.
Buying and taking too much testosterone is often also a factor in increased aggressiveness, depression, emotional disorders, dizziness, hot flashes, diarrhea, nausea, muscle and joint pain as well as muscle strains and cramps – to name just a few of the possible effects of too high a testosterone level .
What long-term damage can be expected?
In addition to the short-term side effects that buy testosterone can have in too high a concentration, long-term damage can also occur. This increases the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. The pumping function of the left heart cavity is said to be severely impaired.
Other long-term damage can be the so-called doping acne on the back, insomnia, frequent nosebleeds, sweating, a long-term reduced potency and so-called “bulging eyes”. In addition, if you buy and take too much testosterone, the liver can be damaged, blood pressure can rise permanently and blood lipid levels can change negatively.
In what forms can testosterone be bought?
If there is a testosterone deficiency, you can buy testosterone in various dosage forms. As a rule, all drugs with the hormone require a prescription and pharmacy. They can therefore only be purchased if the testosterone deficiency has previously been diagnosed by a doctor and he has issued a prescription for the testosterone.
To buy several testosterone derivatives internationally so far. The tablets or capsules with testosterone usually have to be taken several times a day – whereby the recommended intake in the package leaflet must always be observed. In Germany, however, you can only buy 17-alpha-alkylated derivatives with testosterone. Buccal bioadhesive tablets that would be administered twice a day are not currently available in Germany.
band Aid
Transdermal patches are often used to treat a lack of testosterone. In Germany, however, it is not possible to buy testosterone in this form. The patches would allow for slow absorption of testosterone into the circulatory system. Thus, they provide a physiological total testosterone level that mimics the circadian rhythm seen in young and healthy men.
This avoids fluctuations. However, the patches have to be worn permanently after buying testosterone, which some men find annoying. Alternatively, scrotal transdermal testosterone systems are available. However, they often cause local skin reactions – according to studies even in up to 60 percent of cases.
If there is a lack of testosterone, this can also be treated by means of intramuscular depot injections. In Germany, these injections are widely used in replacement therapy – so you can buy them with testosterone. Since testosterone esters are injected in an oily suspension, a slower release into the circulatory system is achieved.
A dosage of 250 milligrams is usual in Germany. The injection takes place every two to three weeks. In the first few days after the injection, testosterone levels are higher than towards the end of the dosing period. This can lead to fluctuations in libido and mood as well as acne, gynecomastia (breast growth) and polycythemia (excessive proliferation of erythrocytes).
In order to maintain the total testosterone level within the normal range over a period of ten to 14 weeks, many in Germany also rely on injections with testosterone undeconoate. So you can also buy this testosterone. The only disadvantage: a relatively large volume of four milliliters has to be injected intramuscularly.
Creams with testosterone are also available for external use. They are applied to the skin once a day after buying testosterone and are generally well tolerated by the skin. Depending on the manufacturer, the type and amount of other ingredients that affect the consistency, texture and smell of the cream, among other things, vary.
After the cream is applied, the testosterone passes through the skin into the bloodstream. Unlike injections, the creams allow flexible dosing, which is determined by the doctor.
What are the side effects of testosterone supplementation?
You already know the risks of buying testosterone and having too high a testosterone concentration. But even if there is a testosterone deficiency, the additional administration of the hormone can lead to side effects. Fertility and sperm quality can be affected. In the case of existing prostate carcinomas, growth can also be accelerated. In addition, buying testosterone can cause the body to stop producing its own testosterone.
Why do women also want to buy testosterone?
There is far less testosterone in the female body than in the male body. Nevertheless, women can also suffer from a testosterone deficiency. The male sex hormone also promotes muscle growth and bone formation in women. It alleviates the binding of body fat and ensures a firm, thick and resilient skin. Impure skin can therefore often be traced back to a testosterone deficiency.
Furthermore, testosterone contributes to a healthy sex drive and a positive attitude towards life. Therefore, it can also make sense for women to buy testosterone – insofar as they suffer from a testosterone deficiency and the doctor treating you has prescribed an appropriate preparation. This must be dosed significantly lower than in men, since it is well known that the female body needs less testosterone to function properly.
Natural Methods
Your lifestyle can have a major impact on your body’s testosterone production. In some cases, buying testosterone is not necessary at all. You can find out below how you can boost your body’s production of the male hormone.
You probably know that sport is good for your health. Physical activity is also said to have a positive effect on testosterone levels. According to some experts, an increase in testosterone of up to 40 percent should be possible after intensive training.
Buying testosterone is therefore not necessary. Short but high-intensity interval training sessions are particularly recommended. Training units in strength training, as well as 20 to 40-minute running interval training, are suitable. However, people who have not exercised before or who are overweight should take it easy with the exercise program and not go beyond their physical limits.
reduce stress
When people are stressed, their bodies release more of the stress hormone cortisol. This ensures that the body has more energy available in the short term. However, cortisol is also an opponent for testosterone and at the same time has a bad effect on the immune system.
Consequently, reducing the stress in your everyday life can have a positive impact on testosterone levels, as less cortisol is released and testosterone levels can stabilize. This makes it possible to refrain from buying testosterone.
diet change
From a biochemical point of view, testosterone consists of a fat formula. Consequently, increasing your intake of healthy fats can have a positive impact on your body’s testosterone levels. There is also evidence that reducing daily calorie intake can also increase testosterone levels.
Such so-called fasting is possible, for example, through intermittent fasting or by avoiding high-calorie foods such as sugar and white flour, which people often eat in large quantities. Due to the lower calorie intake, more growth hormones are released and the so-called autophagy is triggered. This helps the body cells to regenerate and muscle building is stimulated.
Creatine is an amino acid that many bodybuilders swear by. Among other things, the amino acid is said to have an influence on the testosterone content in the body. However, studies have shown that creatine has no direct influence on the hormone. Much more it can cause those properties that an increased testosterone level also brings with it.
Creatine is said to increase dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is an intermediate product that is similar to testosterone and is said to contribute to an increase in libido and performance, among other things. It is therefore only a limited alternative to buying testosterone.
But be careful: Dihydrotestosterone is also known as the hormone responsible for hair loss. If you want to increase your performance and are already suffering from hair loss, the additional intake of creatine is not a good idea.
testosterone replacement therapy
Testosterone replacement therapy is a medical option to increase testosterone levels when there is a serious testosterone deficiency. Before such a therapy can take place, a thorough examination by a specialist is necessary. Testosterone replacement therapy is carried out by supplying the body with the hormone testosterone from outside – for example through gel, injections, patches, depots or capsules. You can buy this in the pharmacy as testosterone.
What are contraindications?
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